Sharp Objects – Gillian Flynn

After reading Gillian Flynn’s “Gone Girl” I couldn’t wait to get my hands on another book of hers. Unfortunately the expectations couldn’t measure up for “Sharp Objects”. Though you did finally feel a bit entertained and enveloped in the events of the book upon arriving somewhere towards the middle of the story, there were too many off-putting details throughout the whole read.

The main character hasn’t managed to become relatable or believable in any way until the very end (just like so many of the other characters), the story took too long to develop and the ending arrived too abruptly, almost as if stumbling over a flight of stairs on the way up to the attic. The thing I missed the most was at least something resembling a double-barrelled ending which took its time to develop and to fit in with the rest of the story, rather than ambush the reader on the very last pages. 

Sharp Objects – Gillian Flynn

★★☆☆☆ (2/5)

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