Speed Reading with the Right Brain – David Butler

I’d give the book 3 out of 5 stars for its idea, whereas purely based on the content of it, it would barely measure up to 1-2 stars.

What the author managed, was to give you a proper understanding of what “speed reading” is supposed to be about, with a focus on comprehension rather than actual speed. The 20 contained exercises within the book contribute to an instant step into the learning process and the usage of the theory in practice.

The part that bothered me the most though, was how repetitive the content presented was. The theory and point of the “speed reading” technique could have been explained in a 5 page essay rather than all throughout the multiple hundreds of pages of the book.

Lessons learned after going through it? That my reading speed actually already is above average but also having understood of what the tools are to bring me to the next level.

It reads very quickly, so I would suggest it to those who have always been interested in the concept of speed reading but were sceptical about it. Also to those, who would be likely to drop the comment (just like me) “Why would I want to read faster if I actually enjoy and savour the process of reading?”
You’ll be able to find the response to it within the book 😉

Speed Reading with the Right Brain – David Butler

★★★☆☆ (3/5)

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