Hot Milk – Deborah Levy

Hot Milk is one of those books that you pick up and can’t stop reading. I’ve never experienced that the reviews (which are actually just short phrases) on the cover of the book corresponded so much with the story and the way it’s narrated. Just as it is described by previous readers/raters, it does pull you in like a spell and lulls you in with its poetic language. It manages to colour mundane events into something charming and magical, while uncovering deeply psychological relations between all characters.

It has something of a “Grand Budapest Hotel” movie-like feel to it, completely absurd situations being strung together into an in the end coherent narrative. The book transfers you with ease to both locations where it’s taking place, Spain and Greece. It’s so relatable that you can almost feel the Andalusian sunshine and the salty air on your skin. It has instantly deserved a special spot in the list of my all time favourite books, after I’ve devoured it up within a single day. My next step is to take on the rest of the books written by Deborah Levy and I can’t wait to get my hands on more of her stories! 

Hot Milk – Deborah Levy

★★★★★ (5/5)

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